Our MISSION is to provide the highest level of service in the process serving industry.
We understand how significant and often crucial our role is in the progression and outcome of your case. As such, we’ve made it our top priority to provide you with the highest level of service in the industry. To start, we strategically built a team of professionals who have great character and are results-driven, with passion and a commitment to excellence that is second to none. Next, we utilize the most innovative technology in the industry, allowing our team to work and communicate with your team in the most efficient manner possible. Lastly, we are adequately staffed and efficiently departmentalized, allowing us to accommodate a high volume of service orders without compromising our level of service to you.
Philanthropy is a huge part of our culture. When the company was founded, it was done so not just with the intent of providing the highest level of service in the industry but to provide a platform to show our appreciation and give back to our community. We work hard to maintain a constant presence within the local and legal community by giving back as much and as often as possible.
Over the years, through various sponsorships, we’ve proudly supported the Orange County Bar Association (OCBA), the Young Lawyers Section of the Orange County Bar Association (YLS), the Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida (HBACF), the Central Florida Paralegal Association (CFPA), the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, the Paralegal Section of the Orange County Bar Association, the Osceola County Bar Association, and the Florida justice Association (FJA). These organizations and the business we’ve received and continue to receive from their loyal members have made it possible for us to support and be a part of the impact they make for the better of our community.
In addition, we proudly support many well-recognized charitable organizations such as the Orlando City Soccer Foundation, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and North Florida, Dancing for Diabetes, Tick Born Disease Alliance, More than Me Foundation, Second Chance of Florida Foundation, and many others. Our support for these incredible organizations would not be possible without the continued trust and loyalty received from our clientele. We are grateful for the opportunity!